Goldendoodle Separation Anxiety: Can They Be Left Alone?

Picture this: You come home after a long day, and your Goldendoodle, with its fluffy coat and irresistible eyes, greets you with boundless excitement and a wagging tail. However, when it comes time to leave it alone, you may start to notice signs of distress.

Goldendoodles, like many other dogs, especially Poodle mixes, can experience separation anxiety — a condition that can be challenging for both dog and owner.

In this article, we'll explore the topic of Goldendoodle separation anxiety and provide insights into its causes, effects, and practical strategies to help your furry friend overcome it.

Can Goldendoodles be left alone all day?

Not all day. When it comes to leaving a Goldendoodle alone for an extended period, it's important to consider its individual temperament and needs. While some dogs may adapt well to solitude, others, including Goldendoodles, tend to struggle. 

Goldendoodles are known for their social nature and strong bonds with their human companions, which can make prolonged periods of isolation distressing for them. Leaving a Goldendoodle alone all day may lead to increased anxiety, boredom, and undesirable behaviors.

**You can leave them for a few hours, but not all day.

What are the mental issues with Goldendoodles?

Goldendoodles are highly intelligent and affectionate dogs, but their emotional well-being can be affected by several mental issues, including separation anxiety.

This condition occurs when dogs become anxious or distressed upon being separated from their owners. Symptoms of separation anxiety in Goldendoodles can manifest in various ways, such as excessive barking, destructive behavior, pacing, drooling, or even house soiling. These signs indicate that your furry friend is experiencing emotional distress when left alone.

How can I help my Goldendoodle with separation anxiety?

Fortunately, there are several practical strategies you can employ to help ease your Goldendoodle's separation anxiety:

  1. Gradual Desensitization: Start by leaving your Goldendoodle alone for short periods and gradually increase the duration over time. This process helps it build confidence and trust that you will return.
  2. Create a Safe Space: Designate a specific area in your home where your Goldendoodle feels secure. Provide comforting items, like favorite toys or a cozy bed, to help alleviate anxiety.
  3. Establish a consistent routine before leaving and returning home. This routine can include activities such as a brisk walk or interactive play sessions, which can help burn off excess energy and create positive associations with your comings and goings.
  4. Interactive Toys & Puzzles: Keep your Goldendoodle mentally stimulated during alone time by providing engaging toys and puzzles that dispense treats or challenge its problem-solving skills. This can help redirect its focus and alleviate anxiety.

**A fantastic suggestion to alleviate your worries and provide solace for your furry companion is to invest in a cutting-edge monitoring camera. This innovative device allows you to observe and even interact with your beloved pet remotely, ensuring their contentment and granting you peace of mind.

Do Goldendoodles have bad separation anxiety?

Photo by April Walker / Unsplash

While separation anxiety can affect Goldendoodles, it's important to note that the severity varies from dog to dog. Some Goldendoodles may exhibit mild anxiety while others may experience more intense distress.

It's essential to observe your Goldendoodle's behavior and seek professional guidance if their anxiety significantly impairs their quality of life.

Do Goldendoodles ever calm down?

As Goldendoodles mature and develop a sense of security, many tend to experience a reduction in separation anxiety.

With consistent training, socialization, and patience, most Goldendoodles can learn to cope with being alone for moderate periods without excessive anxiety. 

However, it's essential to continue providing them with mental and physical stimulation to maintain their overall well-being.


Goldendoodles are beautiful companions with incredible personalities, but they can be susceptible to separation anxiety. By understanding their unique needs and employing practical strategies like gradual desensitization, establishing routines, and providing mental stimulation, you can help alleviate their separation anxiety.

Remember, each Goldendoodle is an individual with distinct personality traits, so be patient and flexible in finding the approaches that work best for your furry friend.

Goldendoodles, like any other dog, thrive on love, companionship, and mental stimulation. By investing time and effort into their well-being, you can help them navigate the challenges of separation anxiety and promote a happier, more balanced life for both of you. Remember, building trust, providing a safe space, and engaging in interactive play can go a long way in comforting and reassuring your Goldendoodle.

Ultimately, the key to addressing separation anxiety in Goldendoodles lies in empathy, understanding, and a willingness to adapt. With your support and a proactive approach, you can help your beloved Goldendoodle overcome their separation anxiety, allowing them to become more confident, calm, and content in your absence.

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So, embrace the journey of understanding and helping your Goldendoodle through separation anxiety. Together, you can forge a stronger bond, create a harmonious home environment, and ensure a fulfilling life for your furry companion. Remember, with love, patience, and a little creativity, you can be the guiding light that helps your Goldendoodle navigate its anxieties and discover a sense of peace and security even when you're not by its side.
