5 Basic Commands to Teach a Dog in 2025

While spending time with your dog, you can try to teach your dog certain commands.
Training makes life with a dog delightful and soothing. Having a well-trained dog will allow him to join your activities like vacations, walks in the park, guests' visits, having coffee at a pet-friendly cafe, and many more.
There are some basic dog commands all dogs should know. These commands will help you keep your dog's behavior under control. Also, your pup will be more disciplined.
What are the basic commands to teach a dog?
1. Sit

One of the most frequently used commands for dogs is "SIT". This command is usually the first command people teach their pups.
This command plays an important role in dealing with unwanted behavior.
✅ How to teach a dog to "sit" in 5 steps:
- Hold a tasty treat above your dog's head
- Command out loud: "Sit!" & move it behind his head until he sits
- When he sits, reward your pup with a treat. Don't forget to praise and scratch it 🥰
- Repeat!
- Gradually phase out the treat: Once your dog has mastered the command, gradually phase out the use of treats as a reward, replacing it with verbal praise, petting, or playing with a toy.
"Sit" is absolutely useful in everyday life with your dog and we have some essential ways to train a dog to stay at command.
2. Stay

The "Stay" command can be useful in many situations. It can save your dog life by preventing him from dangerous situations, keep distance while feeding another dog or it can keep him out from under your feet.
✅ Here's how to teach your dog "stay":
- Stand right in front of your dog
- Hold your hand, slowly take a small step back
- If it moves toward you, loudly say: "No!"
- When he do the "stay", reward him with the treat
Follow the treat with lots of chin and ear scratches.
6. Repeat!
If teach your dog this command, he can well-behave in public, but at home, too. It may also allow you to let your dog off the leash in certain situations when it must stay still.
3. Down

"Down" is one of the best commands for dogs to practice self-control and for building respect. Moreover, it helps a pup feel calmer.
This command is also an important part of many tricks and canine sports activities.
✅ Here's lay down dog command on short:
- Take a delicious smelly treat or something your dog loves the most in your hand
- Put it in front of your dog to smell it
- Move the treat to the ground and say: "Down!"
- Practice down" with the treat until your pup lies down
- Repeat!
4. Wait

"Wait" command is one of the basic commands, but one of the hardest, too. This command tells your dog to focus on you, remain where he is and do not advance until you release him.
✅ Here's a quick trick to learn your dog the"wait" command:
- Ask a person to stay outside the door, you and your dog remain inside
- Ask that person to open the door
- If your dog goes towards that person, just shut the door and say: "Wait!"
- Reward you dog only when he understands the command
- Repeat!
5. Come

The "Come" command is really useful because it can save your dog from situations like fights, slipping out of his leash. Or, you can just use it to call your dog for play or another activity you want to have with him.
Remember to ask your dog to "Come" for good things and in this way he always be happy to come on command.
✅ Here's how to do it:
- Leash your dog
- Stay across from him and loudly say: "Come!"
- Gently pull the leash and give him the treat
- Repeat!
3 Additional Commands you can teach your dog:
- Heel: Hold a treat in your hand, and use it to guide your dog to walk beside you, keeping their head next to your knee. Give the command "heel" and reward your dog when they are walking in the correct position.
- Leave it: Show your dog an object and give the command "leave it." Reward your dog if they don't touch the object.
- Drop it: Give the command "drop it" when your dog has something in his mouth and reward your dog when they drop it.
It's important to be consistent with the command and to use a clear and firm tone when giving it. Reward your dog every time they perform the command correctly and be patient as they learn. With consistency and patience, most dogs can learn these basic commands.
Just as every pet parent is unique, so is every dog. The pace at which your dog learns may vary, and it could be quick or take some time.
There’s plenty of things you can teach your pup if you are motivated and have enough time to learn him some simple commands that can make both of your lives much easier.
If you tried, but your dog doesn't respond to these basic commands, AKC has a helpline that could guide you on how to handle your dog's basic training.
On the next article! Paws & love! 🐾
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